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Governmental Affairs Committee (GAC)

Advocating for Libraries

Library advocates play a key role in educating our communities about why libraries and librarians are essential in an information society. While the Iowa Library Association is ably represented by professional lobbyists, the voices heard from around Iowa make the difference in the success or failure of legislation.

There are many ways to become a library advocate:  

  • If you are not already a member, join ILA! There is strength in numbers and your voice, when joined with others, makes us all a more powerful force in Des Moines.
  • Visit the ILA website for the legislative agenda; legislative alerts; and information about organized legislative activities such as Lobby From Home Day and the Legislative Reception. 
  • Get to Know Your Elected Officials. Invite them to library events and add them to your mailing list. Regular communication with key officials and their staff is important year-round. Legislators who know and understand the value of libraries in their community are powerful friends in Des Moines.
  • Participate in organized legislative events such as Lobby From Home Day and the Legislative Reception.  Regularly check ILA's Legislative Updates to stay up to date on legislative issues.

logo for ILA's legislative bill tracker          logo for ALA bill tracker

Advocacy Cooperative = Iowa bill tracker (ILA)                                  Fund Libraries = Federal bill tracker (ALA)